It occurred to me today that I've slipped back into stress-mode. Sleep patterns are off; I'm fidgety and anxious. I've started cooking again, but the idea of eating turns my stomach. I walked into the apartment after work this evening, and the smell of the neighbors' dinner wafting up from downstairs was enough to make me nauseous. I dread going in to work, because I know that the boss isn't a music lover and he feels like I'm wasting his time. (It's an odd thing- the choir has the summer off because he wants to "cut back" on the music, but he's asking me to do all kinds of extras. MIXED MESSAGES!!! AAAHHH!!!)
We have a meeting with the lawyer this week to see how the divorce is moving along, so hopefully that will take some of the edge off. Mooch is fabulous and funny and swell, though, so I really shouldn't be complaining. She's recently discovered Winnie the Pooh, and she's also terribly keen on the Little Bear books... Anything with animals, really. We're starting to dig through the "special" book pile I sat aside for reading together, which just thrills me to death. I've been buying books for her library since she was four months old, and we have two sets now: the shelf in her room is for sturdy, cardboard, can take a beating kind of books, and the shelf in my room is for the more run of the mill variety that are great for reading together, but probably wouldn't stand up to the rigors of a two year old left to her own devices. It pleases me to no end that there are books scattered through every room here- of all the dreams I had for our "home", at least that is shaping up well.
A priest sending mixed messages... always Something new!!! LOL!
Well, when you come right down to it, your boss behaves like a doofus, and he's not worth wasting the worry on. Once you put the kiddo to bed, take a nice hot bath with some bubbles and a book and some tea, then read a bit and go to sleep. Everything will be fine. Like Suz says, things always get better in the end. If it isn't better, it's not the end yet.
As a clarification, I was not advocating sleeping in the tub :)
Megan, long time, no see/ talk to. I hope that things get better. Im also going through a divorce and it is not a happy time. Luckly, she and I are still friends and dont need lawyers, so I am sure that yours is more stressful. I wish the best for you and your daughter. If you are ever back in Pittsburgh, look me up. I'd love to meet your daughter and catch up on things.
Just remembered it was Megin, 2 seconds after i posted that... sorry...
Oh, Joe, I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs* Hope things get better for you soon as well. Total surprise seeing you pop up on here though! *grin* I still have the same AIM, so if you're on and want to swap stories drop me a line.
Yay! Im glad you got my message. :-) I haven't used AIM in a long time and I can't remember who's screen name is who's. Yours is ******jazz, right? Sorry. I still have *****judea, if you still have that one. I'll look for you online and Im looking forward to catching up. :-)
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